Monday, June 20, 2011


A man named Mohamed came into my life recently, and he changed everything, forever in a very short amount of time. He is younger than me, and when we met, I am pretty sure neither of us had a thought that we would ever feel more about each other than just friends, but one day it just changed. I don't know how, I am not even sure why, but it did. We cared about each other more than we expected. When we both realized this, he said that we should get married, so we can legitimately be together, and he can help take care of Jordan and me, and I said yes. And to be honest, the moment my feelings for him became more than I thought they would, everything else just fell into place. He is such a good guy, and so good to me and my daughter. He cares about us, actually CARES and shows it, doesn't just ask me to trust when he says he does. He is smart and ambitious...very ambitious, and capable. He loves his mother, he loves his religion, he loves his country and culture (he is Egyptian;)) and he has a heart of gold. He has already changed our lives for the MUCH MUCH BETTER....but I digress...I'll move it forward.
      On Thursday he called and told me we will get married on Saturday. He was not joking. We went to our beloved Imam's house and got married there, with our 2 witnesses and each other. We just did it. I am a little surprised myself, but honestly it was so perfect. It has only been us since the start, we don't want to be a couple unless we are married, we don't have a ton of money to have a big event, and neither of us have family here. So it was appropriate that we did it just ourselves. It was all really so perfect. After we went to the park with the Imam and his wife and kids and that is it. It was beautiful, and simple and perfect. He took care of everything, and I absolutely adore him. I am so happy and so ready for this chapter in my life to begin. I have been waiting for so long to give the love I have in my heart to a man that deserves it. Mohamed does.   


  1. Very Happy for you and your family!

  2. SubhanAllah what a beautiful story! More sisters need to be like this- to realize that marriage isn't about having an extravagant wedding. It's about two people who love each other and want to please Allah (swt)!
