Bet ya thought I would give it up...I know I lag...but the last couple weeks have been rough, and dramatic, and life altering, so please forgive me. I'm not abandoning this blog...I didn't mean to abandon the Cairo blog for so is sometimes so hectic...and frankly at the moment I'm having a hard time pulling those memories out...but that is another story. Right now, my Mom is here, she finally arrived...which is really good, and pretty life changing for both of us. All three of us actually.
I'm not letting this blog die because I really do want to express how I feel, and I really want to promote a better understanding of Islam, and I do want to answer those questions..which by the way, if you ever have specific ones, don't hesitate to ask me...I will answer you to the best of my ability. Wow I sound like a robot lecturer. Anyway, lately, in the midst of all this squabbling over the Islamic Center in New York, and with my mother coming to live with me and with a few other things in my life that have happened, I am really now more than ever having to be tested with how deep, and how true my faith lies. I want to tell you about Ramadan and what an amazing experience it has been so far, (and I know what I have experienced is nothing compared to what the bigger groups of Muslim communities experience during this time). I have fasted quite a bit, but since my Mom came I have not. Easier to keep the peace...even though I feel horrible and sort of guilty about it. I also want to talk a little...very little about the Islamic Center in NY. And I want to talk about how my friend Maryam was right...mothers are ok with the idea that their daughters are Muslims...but seeing a hijab changes everything.
However, right now, I don't have the time to go into all of it. But I had to say something since I stopped keeping up. So tonight I'll come back. And let it out. ;)